January 3, 2009


I can't believe it is already 2009! 2008 was a great year and God blessed our family with so many wonderful things and great people! I am so blessed to have such an amazing family and wonderful friends. I want each and everyone of you to know how much your friendship means to me. I would be lost without you all! The boys rang in the new year at Nana and Papa's house while Adam and I rang in the new year with friends and family. I did decide that I am going to quit doing parties at my house though.....they are a lot of hard work! LOL! Last year Adam and I made a new year's resolution to start attending church regularly, and we kept it! Not only did we start attending an amazing church but we also became members and were both baptized in August! It is amazing how much things change when you start giving everything to God and trusting in him 100%. We lost some amazing women in our family throughout the year, but we know that they are in a better place and as Jacob says looking after our baby we lost in January. Just when we were thinking about closing my photography company some amazing opportunities became available and things really took off for me over the year. I just can't wait until we are able to build my studio! Jacob and Peyton have both grown up so much over the past year. It is amazing to look back at everything they have accomplished. Enough of looking back at 2008 and onto to another amazing year! I hope everyone had a great ending to 2008 and an even better beginning to 2009!


Carrie said...

What a sweet, heartfelt message. I bet your baptism was amazing. I'm glad you found a wonderful church home. What a blessing.

Unknown said...

Linsey... would love to give you a big hug.. what a delight to read your blog and see Jesus right here.

As for blogspot, i didn't know you could add the music box to it.. looks like it has really grown. have you heard the cd the altar and the door by Casting crowns? its got a couple of my very fave songs on it.

anyway i am really glad i came across this.. i know that grannie annie prayed for the entire family and trusted that they would all come to know the Lord.
blessings and love
ps putting you on my prayer list that God would provide you and adams every need..