Adam and I attended the Focus on Marriage: Seeing your marriage through God's eyes simulcast today at our church. It was absolutely AMAZING! Grandma came down last night and kept the boys for us today so we could go. It was definitely worth going to. It is nice to know that everybody stumbles and not just us. All of the speakers were good, but Beth Moore was amazing (like usual). We took away so much from the simulcast, but I would like to share a few important points that we learned today.
1. We all stumble in many ways.
2. We begin to see our spouse for what he/she ISN'T instead of for what he/she IS. We must seek first the kingdom of God in order to become a God centered spouse.
3. Our marriage becomes the best way to worship God.
4. Women are infactuated with GREAT and NOT satisfied with good.
5. Not all fights are bad. Fighting for your marriage is a good fight.
6. People are broken and messed up, but they need to be healed.
8. The pernicious's all about YOU!
9. The lie of the enemy is that we just need a little more to be satisfied.
10. Jesus Christ is the vine & we are all just twigs who can do nothing without him.
11. All of our stress is from the expectations of the world!
12. Start making changes 2 degress at a time instead of trying to make them 10 degrees at a time. We think big problem, big solution instead of Small changes = BIG RESULTS
Some of the things couples can do to strengthen their marriage is:
1. Pray together
2. Bible Reading together
3. Bible Studying together
4. Attending Church together
5. Memorizing and Meditating
6. Christian Radio
7. Christian Worship and Praise Music
8. Christ centered movies
You can go to the Focus on the Family website and check out all the great things going on there. I am so glad that we went to this today! God is an awesome God, and I have learned that he is in control even when we think he's not. He will take care of us!